What did you do to your quad today?

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Well went out tdy to get the warrior ready tfor the weekend, cranked good but wouldnt fire.... No spark, I crossed the clutch wires ans still nothing.. As soon as u turn the key on it clicks but after the click it makes a humming sound until its turned off, cant remember it doing it b4... Think ill try crossing out the run switch tomorrow.
Drilled holes in one of the airbox lids i have, I dont know why i didnt do this mod before. Next mod is gonna be vitos key which should be here mon-tues, then i have a race sat.
Disassembled the headlight assembly to see why they both stopped working.

First thing I noticed was that somehow one of the bulbs got so hot that it melted a bit of the plastic part of the headlight housing. Still usable though, just gonna have to dremel out the melted plastic and epoxy the metal part that the bulb seats into, and we should be good to go.

So the next thing is the condition of the actual bulbs- one of them is all black and **** from having gotten so hot and melting ****, the other one looks absolutely perfectly fine. However, neither of them wants to light up. I don't know what could have happened in the week span from last Saturday, but both headlights were working (although one of them was a lot dimmer, like usual), but now both of them are blown out and one of them even overheated. I don't know when the overheating happened or what the hell is the deal, but I all I can do is get new bulbs and see how it goes. So I ordered a pair of Tusk 35W (60W output) lights off of Rocky Mountain, along with a pair of 2012 Fox gloves for $20 and some Spider Grips (my grips are pathetic right now). So that should be in on Thursday, a nice little package for only around $60.

Since I can't do anything about my headlights right now, I decided to take some ****** Brillo pads (I don't have any steel wool without soap in it... oh well), and start working on my header pipe, which I'm tired of looking rusty and ****. I was only able to get to where the first heat guard is (I have to figure out how I'm gonna get those heat guard screws out... it's not gonna be easy), but ******* does it look wayyyy better than before. I couldn't believe that I actually saw my header pipe shining in the light for the first time in my life. Some of the rust won't come off, and some of it I can't get to with just Brillo pads, but I was able to get all the rest of the rust off of the first third of the header pipe, and I can't believe I didn't do this before. It looks far from brand new, but it doesn't look like it's about to crumble into a pile of rust anymore. Can't believe I didn't do this sooner. I'm excited to do the rest of the pipe.
Hahahah, h8ers.

It's almost done actually. Only thing it needs is the bore and put back together, i recently picked up a vitos key for it too. Have to finish the sprocket/rotor guard hookup and mount the 660 rear canister and its good to go. I'm gettin there. I have to devote all my time to work....seriously. Gettin a new business off the ground and working part time at autozone keep me busy 7 days a week. Sleep, eat, work.

Man, my frame's paint job is beat. Anyways, first pick just shows the hookups, its all heat shrink wrapped, taped and waterproofed quick connected.
Maybe done by august...LOL
anyway I got a **** ton of stickers for some fenders from a buddy. thinking of trying to drill out my exhaust stud holes for the helicoils and new studs prayers needed lol. If this don't work it's a new head...
modded a big bear shift shaft to fit in the warrior by cutting the clutch side down to 1 and 1/16 of an inch.... it will clear the pull start and the big bear oil cooler set up .. now to find the right shifter for it


Looked at it b4 work. Lol. After work I'm picking my 13 yr old up a 250 blaster he doesn't know so shh!! Lol
Yesterday: Installed Spider A3 grips (compressed air ftw) and installed the headlight with the non-melted housing with a Tusk 35W/60W bulb. Started shaving down the melted part of the plastic housing on the other headlight.

Today: Got the other bulb housing fixed and glued in place so that it will stay in place despite having half of the plastic surrounding it melted, installed the other headlight. Once it gets dark I'm gonna test out the new bulbs. Also gave it a nice little wash, it looks purdy.
Finished the custom header pat built me. And any other pipe can suck it. This is the stuff! Gotta re jet... again.... go pro will be up in a day or 2
Okay so crossed the brake, and clutch wires, Rewired new plugs for the cdi, cleaned sealnoids (one seemed to rattle but I can switch em out and the quad still turns over so I guess its still good), no voltage at coil.. Anybody else got ideas im running low !!!!
Gunna pick up my jug fresh off the bore and hone machine! Time to get the madcow back in action.....and hopefully it stays that way!

All I need now is the DRW intake kit and the YFZ caliper bracket then I'm good to wheel!

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