Not a project anymore but this was the engine overhaul I did last winter. The engine is a Continental C-85-12, 85hp @ 2575 RPM. They have a recommended overhaul interval of 1800 hours.
My engine was burning a liter of oil every 4-5 hours and had 2100 hours since its last overhaul. Kline aviation in Brocklyn MI has a good reputation so that's where I was going to spend my money having it rebuilt.
The engine was disassembled, cleaned, and magnafluxed. The crank and cam were sent out to be checked, the crank needed a couple bearings re-chromed. I would have loved to upgrade it with a stroker crank from an O-200 but the crank, rods and paperwork to make it legal was an extra $3300!!!
I opted to have 4 brand new ECI steel barrel cylinders, vs having the originals reworked that was only $800 extra. The starter, generator, magnetos and carb were all brought back to factory specs. 2 new sets of spark plug wires and 8 new plugs ($40 each) were also supplied.
I had the motor mount magnaflux then e-coated, stripped the paint off the firewall and repainted it. I had a new stainless heat-muffs made for the exhaust its used cabin heat. All new motor mount rubbers, scat hoses and hardware were also installed ($250).
Me and my 1947 Luscombe 8E. It cruises at about 105 mph at 2350 rpm and drinks 20/L (5gal) per hour. It is capable of aerobatics but does not have inverted fuel or oil systems so its only able to do positive G maneuvers.
The complete engine overhaul cost was $10,500 at the engine shop. I spent about 15 grand last winter on my old girl. That included the engine, annual airframe inspection, engine instal, and a new 406 emergency locator.
If it floats, flies, or F*cks its cheaper to rent!