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I haven't shot an AR15 but my dad has an SKS (Chinese AK-47) that he uses for deer hunting. Its a pretty sweet gun. You can fire off a lot of rounds quickly because there isn't much kick. My 30-06 is a different story. That kicks enough to keep you from shooting quickly.

An SKS is *not* a Chinese AK-47. The SKS is orginally a Russian assault rifle, that was copied by numerous other countries including China (Chinese/Norinco) and Yugoslavia. They do use the same ammunition (7.62x39mm) but they cannot use the same magazines, without modifying the SKS.

As for hunting with them, it's completely based on your state laws. In Oregon, it's legal to hunt with them, but I believe you cannot carry more than 5 rounds in the rifle. The SKS design includes a 10 round fixed (non-removable) magazine. This means for hunting you couldn't have a full magazine.






the question is did you hit anything? anyone can unload that many rounds/shells but hitting it is another story






the question is did you hit anything? anyone can unload that many rounds/shells but hitting it is another story [/quote:jxcla674]

I have been shooting since you were learning addition in first grade, I shoot AT LEAST once a week, trust me I can hit **** ;). Do you think I go up there and spend all that money on ammo to just shoot at moss and trees? I don't think so... lol
trust me i know where the ******* heart is but your not aiming for the heart... your aiming at the lungs.... and im used to bow if you hit a deer in the leg chances are your never gonna find your deer... but with my 12 gauge at about 20 yrds i shot mine in the leg and it went thro the first one thro the heart and embeded in the second leg just under the skin .... my deer wasnt going anywhere.... your ak47 is semi right?
trust me i know where the ******* heart is but your not aiming for the heart... your aiming at the lungs.... and im used to bow if you hit a deer in the leg chances are your never gonna find your deer... but with my 12 gauge at about 20 yrds i shot mine in the leg and it went thro the first one thro the heart and embeded in the second leg just under the skin .... my deer wasnt going anywhere.... your ak47 is semi right?

ITS THE HEART DAMN IT! lol Yes the AK is semi (if i could have a full auto kit here with out going to jail for a long time I would) - haha.
In Wisconsin you can hunt with anything bigger than a 22 rimfire. No limit on the number of rounds either. My dad's SKS does not have a fixed magazine. He modified it a lot though and I am not sure what he did to it. Right now it has a removable 15 round clip, folding bayonet and composite/pistol grip/folding stock. I know another guy that used to hunt with a russian military issue AK-47. It had a ~25 round clip and he kept full metal jackets in the first three rounds. He liked the ability to shoot through trees with the full metal jackets!! Needless to say, I hit the ground whenever I heard him shooting.

I blasted a doe last friday. Shot it through the heart at 20 yds with my 12 gauge. That was cool. First deer that I have ever shot that dropped dead in its tracks. It literally did not take a step. The force of the 12 gauge slug put it on the ground.
In Wisconsin you can hunt with anything bigger than a 22 rimfire. No limit on the number of rounds either. My dad's SKS does not have a fixed magazine. He modified it a lot though and I am not sure what he did to it. Right now it has a removable 15 round clip, folding bayonet and composite/pistol grip/folding stock. I know another guy that used to hunt with a russian military issue AK-47. It had a ~25 round clip and he kept full metal jackets in the first three rounds. He liked the ability to shoot through trees with the full metal jackets!! Needless to say, I hit the ground whenever I heard him shooting.

I blasted a doe last friday. Shot it through the heart at 20 yds with my 12 gauge. That was cool. First deer that I have ever shot that dropped dead in its tracks. It literally did not take a step. The force of the 12 gauge slug put it on the ground.

The mag on my AK in the picture is a 30 round; I love FMJs especially the tracers... Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! The hollow points will go through the trees too!
yeah but wtf would you need 15 rounds for??? hunting elephant out there???

N/E ways heres a question lets say you go on one of those really expansvie elk hunt on a ranch and it cost about 12 thousand.... not just any ranch the ones you see on the good ol t.v. and you have a semiauto rifle.. and when all the elk herd is stand about 200 yrds away and they say you can shoot.. so you just light em up shoot the **** outta them... wht do you think they would do?
I would hope that they get it on tape and air it on TV. Becuase that would be the funnest hunting show I could ever watch.
yeah but wtf would you need 15 rounds for??? hunting elephant out there???

N/E ways heres a question lets say you go on one of those really expansvie elk hunt on a ranch and it cost about 12 thousand.... not just any ranch the ones you see on the good ol t.v. and you have a semiauto rifle.. and when all the elk herd is stand about 200 yrds away and they say you can shoot.. so you just light em up shoot the **** outta them... wht do you think they would do?

Haha I know what id do; throw on a 175 round drum and shoot some more!
yeah but wtf would you need 15 rounds for??? hunting elephant out there???

N/E ways heres a question lets say you go on one of those really expansvie elk hunt on a ranch and it cost about 12 thousand.... not just any ranch the ones you see on the good ol t.v. and you have a semiauto rifle.. and when all the elk herd is stand about 200 yrds away and they say you can shoot.. so you just light em up shoot the **** outta them... wht do you think they would do?

It depends on the type of hunting that you do. If you still hunt (i.e. walk around and hope to scare one up) then you need to be able to pull off a bunch of rounds quickly. The SKS is a great gun for that.

I don't know if they would let you hunt with a semi-auto at that range. I have always seen bolt action guns for that type of hunting. I think they would probably report you to the local DNR for that one. Heck, you might get to spend a night or two as someone's bitch.
i was watchin a hunting show with this hot blode chick on oln.... she had the benilli 30-06 semiauto
Personally, I prefer to shoot the heart or neck. Neck shots will drop em faster than lung shots any day. I have hunted with a bow since I was fifteen and with many guns. If they are legal to hunt with, they will get the job done. I carry a Browning A-Bolt .308 now unless I'm hunting in thick cover, then I carry a New England 12ga rifled slug with hollow points.
I don't usually hunt, but still use quite a few guns to target shoot. So far here's the collection: WIN 30/30 (gotta love the lever action!), original short M1 from WWII in mint condition (always fun to slap that bitch when you load it!), original colt 45 revolver also in mint condition (love the classics!), another 30/30 WIN lever action that was one of the classics with the pins instead of the ****** ass screws they use today, .22 LR semi pea shooter, and a very old 12er my dad found on the side of a road back in the 70's (something you don't find everyday, and it's in great shape too!). I keep the good **** locked away, but still use the new 30/30 and .22 to pop propane tanks and targets.
I don't usually hunt, but still use quite a few guns to target shoot. So far here's the collection: WIN 30/30 (gotta love the lever action!), original short M1 from WWII in mint condition (always fun to slap that bitch when you load it!), original colt 45 revolver also in mint condition (love the classics!), another 30/30 WIN lever action that was one of the classics with the pins instead of the ****** ass screws they use today, .22 LR semi pea shooter, and a very old 12er my dad found on the side of a road back in the 70's (something you don't find everyday, and it's in great shape too!). I keep the good **** locked away, but still use the new 30/30 and .22 to pop propane tanks and targets.

We add road flares to our propane tanks and it makes either a big fireball or a flaming rocket.
I just did that at atlanta the last time I was there, I also shot a can of copper spray a gasket on a stump.
It depends on the type of hunting that you do. If you still hunt (i.e. walk around and hope to scare one up) then you need to be able to pull off a bunch of rounds quickly. The SKS is a great gun for that.

Down here "still hunting" is when the hunter stays in one place.

When it's rainy a lot of people I know would rather walk around to try to jump a deer. For that, you don't have to be able to get off a lot of shots, just one fast shot. That's why I prefer a shotgun. You can take a faster accurate shot with a shotgun. Sorta like skeet shooting. You want to be able to just throw it to your shoulder and squeeze the trigger. I don't want to shoot anything more than once. The more you shoot, the more you'll mess up the meat. Makes em harder to skin out too. I've got a 12 ga rifled slug gun that I use with hollow points. I also use it in real thick areas like a swamp I used to hunt.

Otherwise, I carry my Browning A-Bolt .308. I've got several other rifles and shotguns, but those two are my favorites for deer.

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