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You can have 'em, but you have to apply for and get a Pistol Permit. They are a bit of a pain in the ass to get, from what I am told.

Not sure if hunting with them is allowed.
Down here, you can hunt with them and any firearm that is .22 or larger centerfire for large game and .22 or smaller rimfire for smallgame. There is nothing to getting a concealed weapon permit here. Just fill out the form and they get the finger print off of your trigger finger. We don't have to register any guns. Personally, I wouldn't anyway. If they know what you've got, they will know what to come get if they ever succeed in banning guns. The only guns I've bought new are no longer mine, so the gov't has no record of my guns.
Not sure how all of the hunting rules go in Oregon, as I don't hunt. However, for a concealed permit it's pretty much the same way that Kreed talks about it. Oregon is a "shall issue" state, meaning that if you can legally own a firearm (no felonies, etc) then if you take/pass and show proof that you took an NRA approved handgun class, pay your registration fee and submit the papework the local sheriff has to approve it. On the other hand, when people apply from bordering states the sheriff has the discretion to approve or deny since they aren't Oregon residents. In most cases those are denied unless there is good valid reason for them - least that's my understanding.
Death, I've heard that Ya'll can't have handguns up there. Is that true?
the hand gun issue here in NEW YORK is ****** up.. thanks to all our good friends (the democrats if thats even how you spell it)... you can hunt with a pistol. but in order to hunt or even shoot one you need
1) be at least 21 yrs of age
2) have a pistol permit... which is a pain in the ass. and takes for ever to get it.. it took my mom 6 six to get hers. not sure about my dad. hes had his for as long as i can rember.
3) and in order to hunt with one obviously you need you hunting lisence and it ha to be regular season .. which around here there is yahoo's running around with rifles so really it wouldnt be worth trying with a handgun. but once i get my psitol permit ill prolly be giving it a try
lol...a pistol is nice to carry deer hunting because you can slip it out of a holster and take a good shot to your far right even if you are right handed. Unless you can shoot left-handed as well, it is hard to take that shot with a rifle. Plus, if it's raining, you can put a pistol under your coat to keep it dry. You can't do that with a rifle.
There IS a need for a pistol permit in NY with all these "monkeys" running around... You can apply for a full carry permit and that requires you to see a judge and get a letter of recommendation from 3 people other then family.

I wouldn't blame our permits on politicians, that falls just short of idiocy.
So who do you blame it on?

Who puts these politicians in office? Why is there even a reason for them to consider gun regulations? That is a nick into my beliefs; everything starts with and comes back to the source - for every action there is a reaction.

It is easy to point a finger at the most simplistic solution; seldom is the easy way the stone to kill the bird.
lol...thats what I would think but it is still up to the elected officials to make the laws. And a voter cannot make them vote a certain way. There is no guarantee that those elected officials will not change their views once elected and there is nothing a voter can do about it.
lol...thats what I would think but it is still up to the elected officials to make the laws. And a voter cannot make them vote a certain way. There is no guarantee that those elected officials will not change their views once elected and there is nothing a voter can do about it.

However, a drastic 'about face' would not be good for getting them reelected, which is what they want. The only way a politition could pull that ooff without doing his career harm is if he did it in his first year in office, and it was 'forgoten bout' by the public by the time the elections rolled around. But it would probably still come up.

In order to maintain credibility, politicians can't really stray too far from their platform
i just think they all get way over paid.. they flow this way they get this much money by this person.. they go the other way the will get this much.. just depends on who has more money
i just think they all get way over paid.. they flow this way they get this much money by this person.. they go the other way the will get this much.. just depends on who has more money

Yeah but ultimately it’s not their fault... In the end it’s all the people who have brought restrictions to become a concern to the diplomatic reform... There is a high weapons crime rate here, thus more restrictions... It is always a group of people that **** everything up for all the others; the same thing goes with quading and many other instances. So the next time you are tearing up someone’s land, riding on your local golf course, or ripping down the street past police remember your playing your part in it all.

Out of site truely is out of mind...
yeah there is those ppl that **** every one over.. and thus restrictions are placed.. but when they start talking about take all guns.. thats ****** up and agiasnt the consitution (? is that how it is spelled?) i just dont see how you say its not their fault. its not thier fault that ppl go out and shoot each other...> (damn that rap music)< but it is thier fault that they dont like guns and will do wht ever it take to get rid of all guns from every one... like they think thats gonna lower crime rate .WRONG alot of the firearms used in crimes are usually stolen and the vin # is scratched off. so if the guns are usually stolen and the goverment has taken your guns. you are helpless to all the criminals with the guns. how would you protect your self or your family from an armed criminal?? or an armed intruder in your home?
yeah there is those ppl that **** every one over.. and thus restrictions are placed.. but when they start talking about take all guns.. thats ****** up and agiasnt the consitution (? is that how it is spelled?) i just dont see how you say its not their fault. its not thier fault that ppl go out and shoot each other...> (damn that rap music)< but it is thier fault that they dont like guns and will do wht ever it take to get rid of all guns from every one... like they think thats gonna lower crime rate .WRONG alot of the firearms used in crimes are usually stolen and the vin # is scratched off. so if the guns are usually stolen and the goverment has taken your guns. you are helpless to all the criminals with the guns. how would you protect your self or your family from an armed criminal?? or an armed intruder in your home?

No one is going to take guns away; if they tried it would be a mess with the NRA and the gun owners. If a criminal in NY could just walk into a store and purchase a handgun with out having to go through any processes (like the assault rifles u can buy with just a background check and no permanent ID/Serial records) it would be MUCH easier to obtain one; they wouldn’t have to be stolen. By putting heavy restrictions on handguns it makes obtaining one harder (the regulations are only on handguns because of how they can be concealed); the criminal has to actually make some sort of effort to get one rather then walk in his local Wal-Mart and out the door 15mins later with one like you can with rifles. Once again why do you think politicians are pressured to do that ****?

Frankly the fact that any 18 year old can walk into a store and buy an AK-47/AR with a simple picture ID, retarded questionnaire, and a quick 5 min background check with no further records is bad enough...

Your 16 and live in NY, you have never even purchased your own gun yet.
no one is going to take guns away huh?.. then whats all this talk about banning guns? must be just a fairy tale ::)
Your 16 and live in NY, you have never even purchased your own gun yet.[/quote]

nope never bought a gun in my whole life... thats why i own- 2 22's a 12gague winchester 1300 pump, remington 1187 semi auto 12 guage, and a 32 speical lever action rifle? granted my dads name is one the registration form tho..
no one is going to take guns away huh?.. then whats all this tak about banning guns?

It wont happen they will get sued/prosecuted so fast and its a violation of the constitution (Second Amendment)... They don't even know who has the majority of them, rifles dont get registered.

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