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Your 16 and live in NY, you have never even purchased your own gun yet.

nope never bought a gun in my whole life... thats why i own- 2 22's a 12gague winchester 1300 pump, remington 1187 semi auto 12 guage, and a 32 speical lever action rifle? granted my dads name is one the registration form tho..[/quote]

As i said "YOU" - bold, capital, italics, underlined, what ever you want have never purchased one. You register your rifles...?

"YOU" can't buy the ammo for any of those guns either.
any gun you buy has to be registerd.... but you dont need a permit to own rifles, or shotguns
any one esle have an opinoin??? just seems like me and death are just bitchen back and forth to each other
Um no you dont have to register them... I have never registered any of MINE when "I" purchased them (that would be awesome if you had to and I didnt lol). It was in ok I want this one, stupid form, background check, money and out the door - takes less then 15mins.
I go goto my local gun dealer and purchase a shotgun and be out of the door within 3 or 4 minutes easly.

The only thing that has to be registered here are hand guns. Point Blank!!!
Um no you dont have to register them... I have never registered any of MINE when "I" purchased them (that would be awesome if you had to and I didnt lol). It was in ok I want this one, stupid form, background check, money and out the door - takes less then 15mins.
then whts that stupid form for??
They know who buy em. They keep track of that form. People like the Clinton's would love to ban all guns, but I guarantee you that they wouldn't want their armed guards to give up their Same with rosy dike odonell. She had armed guards but complained because law abiding citizens can have guns.

As for criminals and guns. Laws don't keep crooks from getting guns. They only affect law abiding people. Most guns used in crimes are already illegal. So prosecute the laws already on the books. I don't think any restrictions are the answer. Make it illegal for felons, but let everyone else buy as many as they want and carry em anywhere. Do you think someone will rob someone if they know that everyone around can be carrying? No way. Their pusses. They only have the balls to rob and steal and stuff because they have a gun and rely on the victim's to not have one.
As far as politicians, our governor done an about face. He got elected because he said he would change our flag back, or at least have a vote on it. He lied. Once elected, of course. He will not be re-elected but should have been impeached. Dang Liar!
Registering depends on where you live, obviously. However, I would have to agree with Kreed on this - they know who is buying them. Just because you don't pay a registration fee doesn't mean the transaction is not recorded or even sent to the ATF or anyone else for that matter.

In Oregon, any transaction is recorded and all sales are 'registered', so long as they are done by a licensed seller. This means that any store, or FFL dealer selling you a gun will have you complete that questionnaire, pay for the firearm, and run a 5 minute background check. I can't recall at this time if there's a waiting period on handguns, but you can walk out 5 minutes later with a rifle. ALL OF THESE SALES REGISTER THE GUN IN YOUR NAME.

Any PRIVATE party sells - out of the newspaper, want ads, etc, are not required to be recorded. Since it's being sold out of a garage, there's no background check or anything else. Sure, basic rules follow, don't sell to people under 18 for rifles, under 21 for hanguns. Then there's the common sense things like don't sell to some shady character. However, the point is these sales are LEGAL in Oregon and they are not recorded, tracked or otherwise registered. In addition, you don't need to register it. The only real exception to this that I can think of is if that transaction crosses state lines, then it must go through an FFL and be recorded as entering/leaving the state.

As for criminals, I have to agree - most don't obtain them legally (going to wal-mart and buying a gun) and most are probably stolen or bought from the 'black market'. So making it harder to buy a gun does very little in affect to controlling criminals. Another thing - the UK has pretty much banned guns altogether - those that aren't are extremely difficult to get. Most crimes happen at knife point or with baseball bats or other weapons. The fact is, if someone is going to commit a crime - they are going to do it regardless of what weapon they have at hand.

As for Rosie - she's a moron. She used to be the spokesperson for Kmart. She had Tom Selleck on her show once and chewed him a new ass because he was a spokesperson for the NRA. He simply explained that he grew up around guns, supports the right to own them and so on. Howard Stern played this on the air and then proceeded to dog her because she bitched out Tom Selleck for supporting the NRA - yet she supported Kmart which sold guns. She later quit her contract with Kmart. Go figure.

Bottom line - I would guess that if you filled out that 'little form' when you bought a firearm - someone in the government knows you have it.
pdxguy, that is why I mentioned odonell. She done Tom Selleck wrong. He kept telling her that he was there to "plug a movie and thats all"
lol i was kiddin but somtime i do use my moms boyfriends 22 for squirrels, targets and other small ****. I just bow hunt for stuff i actually want
Kreed - Surprisingly I was flipping channels and actually caught the original broadcast of that episode. Not that I prefer to watch her fat head on the screen, Selleck is cool and I watched it based on that. I don't recall the entire conversation, but I do recall her going off him. Actually from what I recall it seems that she brought up the NRA in almost a polite manner and then once he confirmed that he was in fact an official spokesperson she switched her stance and it was immediately "Why would you do that? Why would you support them? They are evil, guns are the enemy and the NRA supports kids with guns" and all of the other BS involved with it. From there it was a combination of him backpaddling to avoid it all-together. I do remember him saying that he grew up around guns too. Either way, she had no right in doing so. It's people like her that have their heads full of incorrect information and think they still know it all. Just like the NRA supporting kids with guns and all... whatever, they don't 'support' it per say.. they support promoting 'knowledge' of firearms and that includes educating children. It's easiest to be safe, when you know how to be safe.
Just for everyones reading pleasure.... I found the actual transcript from the show...
I admit, I had a few things wrong, he is not/was not a spokesperson for the NRA, he simply did an ad for them, and she kept referring to him as their spokesperson. Anyways, read it...
Registering depends on where you live, obviously. However, I would have to agree with Kreed on this - they know who is buying them. Just because you don't pay a registration fee doesn't mean the transaction is not recorded or even sent to the ATF or anyone else for that matter.

In Oregon, any transaction is recorded and all sales are 'registered', so long as they are done by a licensed seller. This means that any store, or FFL dealer selling you a gun will have you complete that questionnaire, pay for the firearm, and run a 5 minute background check. I can't recall at this time if there's a waiting period on handguns, but you can walk out 5 minutes later with a rifle. ALL OF THESE SALES REGISTER THE GUN IN YOUR NAME.

Any PRIVATE party sells - out of the newspaper, want ads, etc, are not required to be recorded. Since it's being sold out of a garage, there's no background check or anything else. Sure, basic rules follow, don't sell to people under 18 for rifles, under 21 for hanguns. Then there's the common sense things like don't sell to some shady character. However, the point is these sales are LEGAL in Oregon and they are not recorded, tracked or otherwise registered. In addition, you don't need to register it. The only real exception to this that I can think of is if that transaction crosses state lines, then it must go through an FFL and be recorded as entering/leaving the state.

As for criminals, I have to agree - most don't obtain them legally (going to wal-mart and buying a gun) and most are probably stolen or bought from the 'black market'. So making it harder to buy a gun does very little in affect to controlling criminals. Another thing - the UK has pretty much banned guns altogether - those that aren't are extremely difficult to get. Most crimes happen at knife point or with baseball bats or other weapons. The fact is, if someone is going to commit a crime - they are going to do it regardless of what weapon they have at hand.

As for Rosie - she's a moron. She used to be the spokesperson for Kmart. She had Tom Selleck on her show once and chewed him a new ass because he was a spokesperson for the NRA. He simply explained that he grew up around guns, supports the right to own them and so on. Howard Stern played this on the air and then proceeded to dog her because she bitched out Tom Selleck for supporting the NRA - yet she supported Kmart which sold guns. She later quit her contract with Kmart. Go figure.

Bottom line - I would guess that if you filled out that 'little form' when you bought a firearm - someone in the government knows you have it.
thank you for backin up :) me and kreed aernt the olny ones
pdxguy, I caught the original episode back then. Tom Selleck is one of my favorite actors. She was way out of line with that ****. And afterwards, she hired armed body guards. But she don't like guns....******* dike. You could tell that Tom was ticked off. He couldn't wait for the interview to be over.
Those documents maybe available to the deep dark corners of the government but here the police do NOT know who the owner of the gun is if it is a rifle. This means they don’t have access to any type of database here for that cause.

If you aren’t a criminal you can still get one it just takes longer, why the rush? What’s the big deal if you need a permit and you aren’t doing anything illegal?

What happens when you are a first time criminal or a criminal that hasn’t been caught? The Felony thing will not work here... Say you are driven by rage to buy a pistol and shoot someone; you can’t just go and buy one when u feel like it legally with out waiting and going through the process. Of course if your going to commit a crime your going to commit a crime but if you cant just walk in a store and buy one easily it takes LONGER and isn’t as EASY to obtain the weapon.

The laws DONT stop the people who should have guns from getting them, carrying them, and using them. They are not in place to completely stop criminals from buying a gun either; but slow them down - yes. But since criminals wont be able to buy one legally it makes it much harder for them to get one, allows the authorities to crack down on illegal gun sales, and arrest the seller and the buyer when he tries to buy. I don’t understand how you say if those laws weren’t in place that it would have minimal impact on the crimes, it’s only logical.

Scenario: You are a convicted felon and there for can not purchase a pistol or any gun legally.

What seems to be more effective?

Method 1: There are laws, processes, and wait times in place there for you (the felon/criminal) can not just easily walk into a store and buy a firearm. You must now go to some effort to purchase these guns illegally. You may purchase these illegal firearms from a police officer undercover or from a dealer and then get raided during the purchase, or you may get away.

Method 2: There are no laws in place and you are convicted felon/criminal. You can just walk into a store purchase a pistol and go on your way - no need to take the time/effort to buy illegal guns, take the risk of getting caught, or anyone knowing who you are.

What is more effective at impacting crime? No laws or laws & regulations?

I don’t see what everyone ******* about honestly. YOU can buy a gun no one is stopping you. YOU can carry this gun on you at all times. If YOU have nothing to hide, no malicious intentions, no robberies to commit what is the big deal if there is a controlled process before getting a firearm?
Those documents maybe available to the deep dark corners of the government but here the police do NOT know who the owner of the gun is if it is a rifle. This means they don’t have access to any type of database here for that cause.

If you aren’t a criminal you can still get one it just takes longer, why the rush? What’s the big deal if you need a permit and you aren’t doing anything illegal?

What happens when you are a first time criminal or a criminal that hasn’t been caught? The Felony thing will not work here... Say you are driven by rage to buy a pistol and shoot someone; you can’t just go and buy one when u feel like it legally with out waiting and going through the process. Of course if your going to commit a crime your going to commit a crime but if you cant just walk in a store and buy one easily it takes LONGER and isn’t as EASY to obtain the weapon.

The laws DONT stop the people who should have guns from getting them, carrying them, and using them. They are not in place to completely stop criminals from buying a gun either; but slow them down - yes. But since criminals wont be able to buy one legally it makes it much harder for them to get one, allows the authorities to crack down on illegal gun sales, and arrest the seller and the buyer when he tries to buy. I don’t understand how you say if those laws weren’t in place that it would have minimal impact on the crimes, it’s only logical.

Scenario: You are a convicted felon and there for can not purchase a pistol or any gun legally.

What seems to be more effective?

Method 1: There are laws, processes, and wait times in place there for you (the felon/criminal) can not just easily walk into a store and buy a firearm. You must now go to some effort to purchase these guns illegally. You may purchase these illegal firearms from a police officer undercover or from a dealer and then get raided during the purchase, or you may get away.

Method 2: There are no laws in place and you are convicted felon/criminal. You can just walk into a store purchase a pistol and go on your way - no need to take the time/effort to buy illegal guns, take the risk of getting caught, or anyone knowing who you are.

What is more effective at impacting crime? No laws or laws & regulations?

I don’t see what everyone ******* about honestly. YOU can buy a gun no one is stopping you. YOU can carry this gun on you at all times. If YOU have nothing to hide, no malicious intentions, no robberies to commit what is the big deal if there is a controlled process before getting a firearm?

.. first of all if its a major crime.. police dont do the detective work.. the federal agetns do that.. and they have the power to do pretty much anything regardin that...
and second of all you cant carry your guns on you at all times.. but if you have a carry permit. you can go many places with a hinden handgun... get cought with out your permit= your ******
[quote:tvxbpk4p]Those documents maybe available to the deep dark corners of the government but here the police do NOT know who the owner of the gun is if it is a rifle. This means they don’t have access to any type of database here for that cause.

If you aren’t a criminal you can still get one it just takes longer, why the rush? What’s the big deal if you need a permit and you aren’t doing anything illegal?

What happens when you are a first time criminal or a criminal that hasn’t been caught? The Felony thing will not work here... Say you are driven by rage to buy a pistol and shoot someone; you can’t just go and buy one when u feel like it legally with out waiting and going through the process. Of course if your going to commit a crime your going to commit a crime but if you cant just walk in a store and buy one easily it takes LONGER and isn’t as EASY to obtain the weapon.

The laws DONT stop the people who should have guns from getting them, carrying them, and using them. They are not in place to completely stop criminals from buying a gun either; but slow them down - yes. But since criminals wont be able to buy one legally it makes it much harder for them to get one, allows the authorities to crack down on illegal gun sales, and arrest the seller and the buyer when he tries to buy. I don’t understand how you say if those laws weren’t in place that it would have minimal impact on the crimes, it’s only logical.

Scenario: You are a convicted felon and there for can not purchase a pistol or any gun legally.

What seems to be more effective?

Method 1: There are laws, processes, and wait times in place there for you (the felon/criminal) can not just easily walk into a store and buy a firearm. You must now go to some effort to purchase these guns illegally. You may purchase these illegal firearms from a police officer undercover or from a dealer and then get raided during the purchase, or you may get away.

Method 2: There are no laws in place and you are convicted felon/criminal. You can just walk into a store purchase a pistol and go on your way - no need to take the time/effort to buy illegal guns, take the risk of getting caught, or anyone knowing who you are.

What is more effective at impacting crime? No laws or laws & regulations?

I don’t see what everyone ******* about honestly. YOU can buy a gun no one is stopping you. YOU can carry this gun on you at all times. If YOU have nothing to hide, no malicious intentions, no robberies to commit what is the big deal if there is a controlled process before getting a firearm?

.. first of all if its a major crime.. police dont do the detective work.. the federal agetns do that.. and they have the power to do pretty much anything regardin that...
and second of all you cant carry your guns on you at all times.. but if you have a carry permit. you can go many places with a hinden handgun... get cought with out your permit= your ****** [/quote:tvxbpk4p]

Ok as I said what is the problem with getting a "full carry" permit...? You can carry weapons in your vehicle with out **** though...

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