Well-Known Member
lookin great pat
Rear tires mounted (already did fronts)
Is your top end there yet. lol
He got the top end this morning, the deck is set, topend is on. He's setting cam timing now.
marks are good for, is for reference to install the balance shaft drive&driven gears (they have marks too). The crank/case marks are roughly 20* advanced from TDC. With the engine at TRUE TDC, the deck height was .035" w/out base gasket, not the best after talking to Weston and James (and I remember checking stock stroke w/out base gasket, and getting much tighter reading). Idk what the skinny is since I don't have another stroker piston to use for comparisson, and have not pulled the head from my old engine yet to check the deck heigt on it. In the end, I did what James did to his, and took apart an old head gasket. I took the center shim (.011" it measured before cleaning), cleaned it, sprayed it with high tack gasket spray, and installed it. The head was decked a little, so deck height is between .040"&.045". If I was to use the Hotrods stroker crank again, I'd use the 85mm JE 10.5:1, and have a big bear cylinder milled down to the proper deck height. I do need to degree in the cam. It is retarded a decent amount (going by the cam's/head's timing marks). My guess is as much as 7*. To put into perspective why you should NOT use the crank/case marks for timing; with those marks aligned the cam gear's marks shows it being slightly advanced. With the flyweel & stator cover on, and the T lined up (true TDC reading), the cam is retarded.