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It's a 2000 neon and I don't know why but I look at that sideways tranny and just think f that. I've done the timing chain and water pump on it no problem just a little hand fitting my hands in some spots. I now the shop owners and they cut me a great deal and let me make payments and I priced the clutch 250 rear main seal 8.99 then 3 cans of engine degreaser (mostly used inside the bell housing). I took my 5quarts of oil to get it home 45 miles away when it went out. Happy there wasn't a fire
Probably not as bad as it looks. I helped a buddy change a tranny in a Dodge Caravan. So aslong as the tranny can be lowered out the bottom side a little bit, I dont think it would actually be that bad. Try pulling the motor out of my truck, replacing the lower end bearings and crank, and putting it all back together all by myself. Because everyone I asked to help was "busy". My truck has the 7.3 that tips the scales with the accessorys on at about 1200 lbs.
wouldn't want to to that either but honestly I would feel more comfortable with doing it. I don't know why but the sideways tranny makes me nervous. I been told it's not that bad but it's just something in my head. Kinda like spliting cases on the wardog it make me nervous for some reason but really not that bad if you take your time. Most repair shops charge 60 to 80 an hr here so 100 for labor I'm pretty happy
The sad part is I can have my motor pulled in 6 hours by myself and installed in about 10 to 12. Not to bad considering how full that engine bay is. I just hate paying anyone to work on my stuff. Especially since most mechanics dont know how to really work on a Powerstroke around here.
They didn't seize actually, I had sent an oil sample to Blackstone Labs for analysis. It came back that there was bearing material in the oil. Well the bearing material started when I had the flywheel bolts break. I had bought it as a basketcase, the problem was for some reason the Company I bought it from when they pulled the motor and tranny unbolted the flywheel. They didnt tell me they did so I never check that it was torqued down. 1100 miles after I started driving it they broke, sending the torque converter into the tranny pump. Well the force that sent the TC back also sent the crank forward. The thrust bearing on the 7.3 is the rear most main bearing, and the backside was down to steel from the force when I tore it down. It was an interesting 6 months while I was figuring out everything that the little issue caused. About $1000 later in parts shes good to go. Still though Im on the look out for a cheap motor so I can drop a fresh one in eventually, so I know how hard its been run. For the shape shes in I plan on having this truck for a very long time.
well that sucks, would have been nice to know that little tid bit of info when you bought it could have saved you some time and labor
This sucks I think I may have a messed up achilles tendon, hurts like a bastard first thing in the morn and is killer to walk on for the half of the day. Have a couple ankle supports wear them as much as I can but at work I do nothing but walk and walk alot. Guess I may have to bite it and go see a doc, but don't a OJI and be off work for 6-8 weeks, and be forced to get 70% of my pay. Did I mention already this sucks.
I sprained my angle once and wore tall boots as tight as I could to support my ankle. Worth a try if you can't afford the pay cut
Can't wear tall boots my foot not built right for them. I got 2 different kinds of supports, one velcros on around it, the other is a franklin lace up support it fits tighter if I can stand it long enough to be around the arch of my foot, but it make my heel hurt, the other doesn't and doesn't fit as tight.
Well my damn truck is giveing me fits again, was gonna take the stepdaughter to a ice creamery to suprise her and get about 2 miles if that from home and my freaking truck dies just as I take off across a intersection, lucky still had enough forward movement and it was a small intersection I jumped out and pushed it on a little to get it out the way. Tried for about 5 minutes starting it, and wouldn't do jack crap.

So I check to make sure its getting fuel and it is so now its down the electrical so at this point I start marking calls, find somebody tow it home. So for ***** and giggles I thought hell see what it it does, and it coughs and sputters try again and it fires up. I am like WTF is the deal even sit and let it run and get hot again to see what it does, nothing purrs along just fine.

I think its either needs a tune up, been about 5 years, or coil trying to go out, ignition module. Will see what happens when go to work and come home, after that I got to get my meter out and start testing some ohmage and see what if anything needs replaced. If anybody has any ideas its a 94 chevy with a TBI 350.
I bought a fuel pump for our jeep off of ebay. It was brand new but the truck would die sometimes and start later. I found out that the elecrtical plug was bad. So I replaced the plug. Maybes yours got jarred loose or is dirty. I figure worth checking
I don't think its anything with the fuel pump cause it still pumped fuel and wouldn't start. But that is an idea to check connections truck does have 225k miles.

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