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Sounds like you got your work ahead of yah. We've started patchin the frame on my bro's 86
I got to have some fun picked my new shed and the wood for the bas brought it home, had lots of fun trying to unload it and carry it all to the back yard. Never would have thought a metal shed in a little box could be so damn heavy.

Fun part comes putting the floor down and start putting the shed up and its suppose to windy this weekend.
lol naw had to get the old lady out to help tried dragging the box wasn't happening, so got my mechanics creeper out of the garage got a length of rope wrap it around creeper put creeper under heavy box and drug it to the back yard. Wasn't easy but better than dragging the box on ground or opening the box and carry it piece by piece in the back yard.
yup at this time would have been great to have one, but I need a dolly once in a blue moon.
never been so busy in my life work my butt off past 2 weeks doing piddly crap I have no ass left to sit on.
Busy again, didn't get to work on my shed last night had to go help my cousin put a fuel pump in his s-10, damn high dollar part. But did get to work on it today got the wood base done, will get to have the best part tomorrow, putting it all together, hope it goes smooth, but prob won't with my luck.
Yea that what we did, he had about half tank it looked like. He has changed it before about 6 years ago. I had to run him to get some money and the part and got tools and helped him to get it done faster.
Pretty sure the rear main seal went out in my car today on the way to go fishing. Took 5 quarts of oil to get home. I just cleaned the engine and waiting for it to dry. I seen the oil dripping out between the motor and tranny. The head gasket, crank postioning sensor, and valve cover gasket look good, but cleaned it all to make sure it's not one of them.:argh:
That sucks, if the rear main seal goes out I haven't heard of them just giving up, they usually start leaking slow and over time get worse.
yeah I could smell oil for a few weeks about 2min after stating the car but I couldn't find the leak and no spots on the ground untill today
Well hopefully its not too much of a pain to fix it, most them are a big hassle the tranny has to be removed to get to some of them.
clutch has been slipping lately and it's less then 2yrs old. Well the rear seal is why and so now the I have to replace the clutch also. there is another 250 dollers I have to **** out some how.
go my car back, only had to pay 360 for the replacement of the rear main seal and a new clutch kit. Really good price only 100 was for labor.

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